
The underground station Parmentier opened on 19 October 1904.

It is situated in the 11th arrondissement.

It is served by the metro line 3. The station takes its name after Antoine Parmentier (1737 - 1813), who, when looking for new vegetables to include in the French diet, introduced the potato. The station is decorated with items related to Parmentier and potatoes.

turquoise ceramic tiles
The walls are tiled with white ceramic tiles known as Metro; the centre part is raised and allows light to be reflected easily. After all the metro was built at the beginning of the 20th century, when normal lights were fuelled by kerosene or gas.


The ceramic frieze is in light turquoise with flowers in diamonds.





Route sign towards Gallieni


Display at the entrance to the platform to indicate the direction of the metro (Gallieni), the stations inbetween and their link with other metros.

There are no connections to other metro lines from Parmentier.







Platform Line 3

 white tractor seats


In keeping up with the theme of the station, the seats are white, metal tractor seats on a white bar.


The walls are curved and covered in advertising posters.


The floor is painted grey.






 Statue of Parmetier and farmer



White statue of Antoine Parmentier giving a farmer some potaoes to plant. While the potato was already used in other parts of Europe, it was not part of the French diet at that time.









Painted potato plant





Painted potato plant and potatoes on round panel composed of small square tiles. It is places at the end of the platform. 





Name sign and growing frame





Part of the wall is covered with a green trellis. A sign with the station name has been attached to it. The name is printed in yellow uppercase on a black background. The sign is in a white frame.

Underneath it is a noticeboard with the general transportation regulations and a map of the tarification zones.



 platform with name sign

Platform in direction Gallieni with the statue of Parmentier and a large display showing the history of the potato. The wall is covered in a green trellis.

Square spot light up the walls. Additionally, short light tubes in a basic metal frame have been placed in intervalls along the ceiling.

The ceiling is vaulted and tiled.


The edge of the platforms is painted white and has also a grey row of knobbed tiles.